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疫情致十亿儿童无法入学 全球275位政要学者发公开信(全文)







现在迫切需要投入大量资源,让年轻人重返校园学习并赶上进度。而且,在重建过程中,我们应该进行更好的规划:应以疫情期间所展现出的庞大社群力量为基础,为在线教育、个性化学习和教师培训提供更大支持,为贫困家庭和符合“社交距离”的学校给予有条件的现金转移支付。为推动全世界支持教育进步事业,多个全球组织组成已结成联盟,并参与了于2020年8月4日发起的“拯救我们的未来”(Save our Future)行动。











世界银行应该通过追加国际开发协会预算,为低收入国家提供更多支持。在这一方面,英国和荷兰已领先一步,两国已承诺向新设立的国际教育金融基金(IFFE)捐款6.5亿美元,同时通过担保和募捐方式帮助中低收入国家额外释放数十亿美元的教育资金。这一行动是未来两年对全球教育伙伴关系(GPE)所追加资金的补充,扩大对“教育优先”(Education Cannot Wait)计划的投资,并继续支持以教科文组织和儿童基金会主导的联合国机构对教育和儿童的重点关注。我们还呼吁私营部门的企业和基金会优先支持全球教育。



MaríaElena Agüero
Secretary General of the WLA-Club de Madrid

Esko Aho
Prime Minister of Finland (1991-1995)¹

Dr Shamshad Akhtar
UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP & AssistantSecretary-General at UN DESA (2013-2018); Governor of the State Bank ofPakistan (2006-2009)²

Dr Farida Allaghi
Ambassador of Libya to the European Union (2015-2016)³

HE Dr Abdulaziz Altwaijri
Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization (1991-2019)³

Mohamed Amersi
Founder & Chairman, The Amersi Foundation

Dr Roger Ames
Director of the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawaii

Dr Kwame Anthony Appiah
Professor of Philosophy and Law, NYU

Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister of Pakistan (2004-2007)³⁴
Professor Julian Baggini
Academic Director of the Royal Institute of Philosophy

Gordon Bajnai
Prime Minister of Hungary (2009-2010)

Harriett Baldwin MP
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Founding Co-Chair,International Parliamentary Network for Education

Jan Peter Balkenende
Prime Minister of the Netherlands (2002-2010)¹

HE Joyce Banda
President of Malawi (2012-2014)¹

Kaushik Basu
President of the International Economic Association; Chief Economist of theWorld Bank (2012-2016)

Carol Bellamy
Executive Director of UNICEF (1995-2005)²

Nicolas Berggruen
Chairman of the Berggruen Institute⁴

Professor Erik Berglöf
Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, London School ofEconomics; Chief Economist of the EBRD (2006-2014)

Suman Bery
Chief Economist at Royal Dutch Shell (2012-2016); Director-General of theNational Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi

Sir Tim Besley
President of the International Economic Association (2014-2017); Professor ofEconomics and Political Science, LSE

Valdis Birkavs
Prime Minister of Latvia (1993-1994)¹

Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997-2007)

Dr Mario Blejer
Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina (2002); Director of the Centre forCentral Banking Studies, Bank of England (2003-2008)

Irina Bokova
Director-General of UNESCO (2009-2017)²

Patrick Bolton
Professor of Finance and Economics, Imperial College London; Professor,Columbia University

Kjell Magne Bondevik
Prime Minister of Norway (1997-2000; 2001-2005)¹

Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz
Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge (2010-2017)

Ouided Bouchamaoui
President of UTICA (2011-2018); Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2015)³

Dumitru Braghiș
Prime Minister of Moldova (1999-2001)³

María Eugenia Brizuela de Ávila
Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (1999-2004)²

Gordon Brown
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2007-2010)

John Bruton
Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland (1994-1997)¹⁵

Robin Burgess
Professor of Economics, LSE

Kim Campbell
Prime Minister of Canada (1993)¹

Fernando Henrique Cardoso
President of Brazil (1995-2003)¹

Wendy Carlin
Professor of Economics, University College London

Dr Vinton G. Cerf
Co-Inventor of the Internet³

Hikmet Çetin
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey (1991-1994), Speaker of the GrandNational Assembly (1997-1999)³⁵

Baroness Lynda Chalker
Minister of Overseas Development of the United Kingdom (1989-1997)⁵

Professor Bai Chong-En
Dean, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Helen Clark
Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999-2008); UNDP Administrator (2009-2017)¹³⁵

Joe Clark
Prime Minister of Canada (1979-1980)⁵

Emil Constantinescu
President of Romania (1996-2000)³

Radhika Coomaraswamy
UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative for Children and ArmedConflict (2006-2012); UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women(1994-2003)²

Chester Crocker
Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, United States (1981-1989)⁵

Mirko Cvetković
Prime Minister of Serbia (2008-2012)³

Dr Antonio Damasio
David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience, Psychology and Philosophy; Director,Brain and Creativity Institute, USC

Dr Hanna Damasio
Dana Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology; Director, DornsifeCognitive Neuroimaging Center, USC

Marzuki Darusman
Attorney General of Indonesia (1999-2001)⁵

Frederik Willem de Klerk
State President of South Africa (1989-1994)⁵

Kemal Derviş
Minister of Economic Affairs of Turkey (2001-2002); Administrator of UNDP(2005-2009); Senior Fellow Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institute

Beatrice Weder di Mauro
President, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); Professor ofInternational Economics, Graduate Institute in Geneva

Dr Victor J. Dzau
President of the National Academy of Medicine

Gareth Evans
Foreign Minister of Australia (1988-1996); President and CEO of InternationalCrisis Group (2000-2009)⁵

Professor Sir Jeremy Farrar
Director of the Wellcome Trust

Jan Fischer
Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (2009-2010); Finance Minister (2013-2014)³

Professor Tom Fletcher CMG
UK Ambassador to Lebanon (2011-2015); Principal-Elect of Hertford College,University of Oxford

Vicente Fox
President of Mexico (2000-2006)¹

Franco Frattini
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy (2002-2004; 2008-2011); EuropeanCommissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security (2004-2008)³

Dr Anton Friedrich Koch
Professor of Philosophy, Universität Heidelberg

Chiril Gaburici
Prime Minister of Moldova (2015); Minister of Economy and Infrastructure(2018-2019)³

Ahmed Galal
Finance Minister of Egypt (2013-2014)

Nathalie de Gaulle
Chairwoman & Co-founder of NB-INOV; Founder of Under 40³

Lord Anthony Giddens
Director of the London School of Economics (1996–2003); Professor, Departmentof Sociology, LSE

Dr Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister of Malta (2004-2013)⁵

Dr Alexander Görlach
Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Relations,University of Cambridge

Dalia Grybauskaitė
President of the Republic of Lithuania (2009-2019)¹

Rebeca Grynspan
Ibero-American Secretary-General; Second Vice President of Costa Rica (1994-1998);UN Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of UNDP (2010-2014)²

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
President of Mauritius (2015-2018)³

Sergei Guriev
Chief Economist of the EBRD (2016-2019); Professor of Economics, Sciences Po

Dr Han Seung-soo
Prime Minister of South Korea (2008-2009)¹

Senator Robert M. Hertzberg
Majority Leader of the California State Senate, United States

Dr Noeleen Heyzer
UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP (2007-2015)²³

Bengt Holmström
Nobel Laureate for Economics (2016); Professor of Economics, MIT

Wang Hui
Professor of Chinese Language, Literature, and History, Tsinghua University

Mo Ibrahim
Founder of Celtel; Chairman of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation⁴

Enrique Iglesias
Foreign Minister of Uruguay (1985-1988); President of the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (1988-2005)¹⁵

Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu
Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (2004-2014)³

Dalia Itzik
Interim President of Israel (2007); President of the Knesset (2006-2009)³

Mladen Ivanić
Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2018)³

Pico Iyer
Distinguished Presidential Fellow, Chapman University; Writer & Essayist,TIME

Garry Jacobs
President & Chief Executive Officer of the World Academy of Art andScience³

HE Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
President of Liberia (2006-2018); Member of The Elders⁵

Anthony Jones
Vice-President and Executive Director of the Gorbachev Foundation of NorthAmerica¹

Ivo Josipović
President of Croatia (2010-2015)¹³

Jean-Claude Juncker
Prime Minister of Luxembourg (1995-2013); President of the European Commission(2014-2019)¹

Mats Karlsson
Vice President, External Affairs at the World Bank (1999-2002)³

Caroline Kende-Robb
Executive Director of the Africa Progress Panel (2011-2017); Secretary Generalof CARE International (2018-2019)

Rima Khalaf
Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia(2010-2017)²

Dr Moushira Khattab
Executive President, Kemet Boutros Boutros Ghali Foundation forPeace and Knowledge; Minister of Family and Population of Egypt (2009-2011)³

Ban Ki-moon
UN Secretary General (2007-2016); Deputy Chair of The Elders¹

Horst Köhler
President of the Federal Republic of Germany (2004-2010)¹

Jadranka Kosor
Prime Minister of Croatia (2009-2011)³

Professor Anne Krueger
First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF (2001-2006); Senior ResearchProfessor of International Economics, School for Advanced InternationalStudies, Johns Hopkins University

HE John Kufuor
President of Ghana (2001-2009)¹

Chandrika Kumaratunga
President of Sri Lanka (1994-2005)¹³

Aleksander Kwaśniewski
President of Poland (1995-2005)¹

Rachel Kyte
Dean of The Fletcher School, Tufts University; UN Special Representative of theSecretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All (2016-2019); World Bank GroupVP & Special Envoy (2012-2015)²

Ricardo Lagos
President of Chile (2000-2006); Member of the Elders¹⁴

Zlatko Lagumdzija
Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001- 2002); Foreign Affairs Minister(2012-2015)¹³

Yves Leterme
Prime Minister of Belgium (2008; 2009-2011)¹³

Dr Margaret Levi
Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences &Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

Professor Justin Yifu Lin
Chief Economist & Senior Vice-President of the World Bank (2008-2012); Deanof Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University³

Tzipi Livni
Vice Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel (2006-2009);Minister of Justice (2013-2014)³

Petru Lucinschi
President of Moldova (1997-2001)³

Ricardo Luna
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru (2016-2018)⁵

Nora Lustig
President Emeritus of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association;Professor of Latin American Economics, Tulane University

Graça Machel
Education & Culture Minister of Mozambique (1975-1986); Deputy Chair of TheElders

Sir John Major
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1990-1997)

Susana Malcorra
UN Under-Secretary-General for Field Support (2008-2012); Chef de Cabinet to UNSecretary-General (2012-2015); Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina(2015-2017)²

Purnima Mane
UN Assistant-Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director UNFPA (2007-2012)²

Moussa Mara
Prime Minister of Mali (2014-2015)³

Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada (2003-2006)⁴

Colin Mayer CBE
Professor of Management Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

Péter Medgyessy
Prime Minister of Hungary (2002-2004)³

Rexhep Meidani
President of Albania (1997-2002)¹³

Mario Monti
Prime Minister of Italy (2011-2013)¹⁴

Rovshan Muradov
Secretary General of NGIC

Joseph Muscat
Prime Minister of Malta (2013-2020)³

Mustapha Kamel Nabli
Governor of the Central Bank of Tunisia (2011-2012)

Piroska Nagy-Mohácsi
Programme Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, LSE; Director of Policy,EBRD (2009-2015)

Dawn Nakagawa
Executive Vice President, Berggruen Institute

Dr Rebecca Newberger Goldstein

Bujar Nishani
President of Albania (2012-2017)³

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999-2007)¹

Josiah Ober
Professor of Political Science and Classics, Stanford University

Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Board Chair of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation; FinanceMinister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2011-2015)

Djoomart Otorbaev
Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan (2014-2015)³

Ana Palacio
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain (2002-2004)²³⁵

Elsa Papademetriou
Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament (2007-2009)³

George Papandreou
Prime Minister of Greece (2009-2011)³

Andrés Pastrana
President of Colombia (1998-2002)¹

J. Patterson
Prime Minister of Jamaica (1992-2005)¹⁵

Dr Philip Pettit
L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values, PrincetonUniversity

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering
United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1997-2000);Ambassador to the UN (1989-1992)⁵

Sir Christopher Pissarides
Nobel Laureate for Economics (2010); Professor of Economics & PoliticalScience, LSE

Rosen Plevneliev
President of Bulgaria (2012-2017)³

Richard Portes CBE
Professor of Economics, London Business School; Founder and Honorary Presidentof the Centre for Economic Policy Research

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
President of Malta (2014-2019)³

Romano Prodi
Prime Minister of Italy (2006-2008); President of the European Commission(1999-2004)¹

Michael Puett
Walter C. Klein Professor of Chinese History, Department of East AsianLanguages and Civilization, Harvard University

Jorge Quiroga
President of Bolivia (2001-2002)¹

Iveta Radičová
Prime Minister of Slovakia (2010-2012)¹

José Ramos Horta
President of Timor Leste (2007-2012)¹⁵

Òscar Ribas Reig
Prime Minister of Andorra (1982-1984; 1990-1994)¹³

Lord George Robertson
Secretary General of NATO (1999-2003)⁵

Mary Robinson
President of Ireland (19990-1997); UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Chairof the Elders¹

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
Prime Minister of Spain (2004-2011)¹

Dani Rodrik
President-Elect of the International Economic Association; Professor ofInternational Political Economy, Harvard University

Gérard Roland
Professor of Economics & Professor of Political Science, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley

Petre Roman
Prime Minister of Romania (1989-1991)¹³

Dr Michael Roth
President of Wesleyan University

Nouriel Roubini
Chairman & CEO, Roubini Macro Associates LLC

World Music Award and Eurovision Song Contest winning recording artist; SpecialEnvoy of NGIC

Isabel Saint Malo
Vice President of Panama (2014-2019)²

Juan Manuel Santos
President of Colombia (2010-2018); Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (2016); Member ofThe Elders

Amartya Sen
Nobel Laureate for Economics (1998); Professor of Economics & Philosophy,Harvard University

Ismail Serageldin
Vice President of the World Bank (1992-2000); Co-Chair of NGIC

Fatiha Serour
Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Somalia (2013-2014)²

Rosalía Arteaga Serrano
President of Ecuador (1997)³

Dame Jenny Shipley
Prime Minister of New Zealand (1997-1999)¹

Javier Solana
Secretary General of the Council of the EU (1999-2009); Secretary General ofNATO (1995-1999)¹⁵

Professor Sir Richard Sorabji
Honorary Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

Michael Spence
Nobel Laureate for Economics (2001); William R. Berkley Professor in Economics& Business, NYU⁴

Devi Sridhar
Professor of Global Public Health, University of Edinburgh

Dr Eduardo Stein
Vice President of Guatemala (2004-2008)⁵

Lord Nicholas Stern
Chief Economist & Senior Vice-President of the World Bank (2000-2003);Chief Economist of the EBRD (1994-1999) & Professor of Economics andGovernment, LSE

Joseph Stiglitz
Chief Economist of the World Bank (1997-2000); Nobel Laureate for Economics(2001); Professor, Columbia University⁴

Petar Stoyanov
President of Bulgaria (1997-2002)³

Laimdota Straujuma
Prime Minister of Latvia (2014-2016)³

Lawrence Summers
United States Secretary of the Treasury (1999-2001); Deputy Secretary of theTreasury (1995-1999); Chief Economist of the World Bank (1991-1993); Directorof the National Economic Council (2009-2010)⁴

Boris Tadić

President of Serbia (2004-2012)¹³

Jigme Y. Thinley
Prime Minister of Bhutan (2008-2013)¹

Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Prime Minister of Denmark (2011-2015)⁴

Eka Tkeshelashvili
Deputy Prime Minister of Georgia (2010-2012)³

Danilo Türk
President of Slovenia (2007-2012); President of WLA-Club de Madrid

Professor Laura D’Andrea Tyson
Director of the United States National Economic Council (1995-1996); FacultyDirector, Haas Institute for Business & Social Impact, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley⁴

Cassam Uteem
President of Mauritius (1992-2002); Vice-President of WLA-Club de Madrid⁵

Juan Gabriel Valdés
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile (1999); Ambassador to the UN (2000-2003)⁵

Marianna Vardinoyannis
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador; Board Member of NGIC

Emiliana Vegas
Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Center for Universal Education, BrookingsInstitution

Andrés Velasco
Finance Minister of Chile (2006-2010); Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Vaira Vike-Freiberga
President of Latvia (1999-2007)¹; Co-Chair of NGIC

Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
President, Mannheim University (2012-2019); Professor, Economics Department

Filip Vujanović
President of Montenegro (2003-2018)³

Leonard Wantchekon
Founder & President of the African School of Economics; Professor ofPolitics and International Affairs, Princeton University

Shang-Jin Wei
Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (2014-2016); Professor of ChineseBusiness and Economy & Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School

Rebecca Winthrop
Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Center for Universal Education, BrookingsInstitution

Bin Wong
Distinguished Professor of History; Director of the Asia Institute, UCLA(2004-2016)

Kateryna Yushchenko
First Lady of Ukraine (2005-2010); Board Member of NGIC

Viktor Yushchenko
President of Ukraine (2005-2010)³

Fareed Zakaria
Host of Fareed Zakaria GPS, CNN⁴

Valdis Zatlers
President of Latvia (2007-2011)³

Ernesto Zedillo
President of Mexico (1994-2000); Member of The Elders¹⁴

Min Zhu
Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (2011-2016)⁴

ActionAid UK
Girish Menon, CEO

African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET)
Dr K.Y. Amoako, President and Founder

BRAC International
Dr Muhammad Musa, Executive Director

CARE International UK
Laurie Lee, CEO

Catholic Agency for Oversees Development (CAFOD)
Christine Allen, Director

Save the Children International
Inger Ashing, CEO

Save the Children UK
Kevin Watkins, CEO

The Education Commission
Dr Liesbet Steer, Director

Dr Justin van Fleet, President

WaterAid UK
Tim Wainwright, CEO

¹ Memberof the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid
² Member of Global Women Leaders: Voices for Change and Inclusion
³ Member of Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC)
⁴ Member of the Berggruen Institute 21st Century Council
⁵ Member of Global Leadership Foundation

Members ofthe Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & IMF:

DenisKpwang Abbé
Senator of the Republic of Cameroon (2013-2018)

Francisco Ashley L. Acedillo
Member, House of Representatives of the Republic of the Philippines (2013-2016)

Mohammed Jawad Ahmed
Advisor to the Speaker, Parliament of the Republic of Iraq

Shakeel Shabbir Ahmed
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya

Shamsul Iskandar Bin Mohd Akin
Member of Parliament of Malaysia

Iqbal Abdul Hussein Almadhy MP
Member of Parliament, Parliament of the Republic of Iraq; President of the PNChapter in Iraq

Njume Peter Ambang
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Cameroon; Member of the Education andYouth Affairs Committee

Ecaterina Andronescu
Senator, Parliament of Romania; Minister of Education (2018-2019); Professor,University Politehnica of Bucharest

Ibtissame Azzaoui
Member of the Parliament of Morocco

Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin
Second Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Ghana

Alpha Bah
Vice President, National Assembly of Guinea

Hafida Benchahida
Senator of the Republic of Algeria; Founding Member of the Mediterranean WomenMediators Network

Hervé Berville
Member of the National Assembly of the French Republic

Nozha Beyaoui
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Tunisia

Sunjeev Kour Birdi
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya

Gary Bodeau
President of the Chamber of Deputies, National Assembly of the Republic ofHaiti (2018-2020)

Peter M. Boehm
Senator, Senate of Canada

Mārtiņš Bondars
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Liam Byrne MP
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Chair of the Parliamentary Networkon the World Bank and IMF

Professor Alejandro Cacace
Representative, National Congress of Argentina

Yunus Carrim
Member of Parliament, National Council of Provinces of Parliament, Republic ofSouth Africa; Chairperson of the Select Committee on Finance

Giulio Centemero MP
Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy; Member of the Finance Committee;Co-Chair, PAM Panel on Trade and Investments

Sarah Champion MP
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom

Olfa Soukri Cherif
Member of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania

Sven Clement
Member of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies

Gordana Comic
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (2001-2020)

Shiddi Usman Danjuma
Member of the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Colin Deacon
Senator, Senate of Canada

Issa Mardo Djabir MP
Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Chad

Percy E. Downe
Senator, Senate of Canada

Worlea-Saywah Dunah
Founder and Chairman of the Board, Center for Africa Development and Democracy

Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
Member of Parliament of Canada

Marouan Felfel
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Tunisia

Cedric Thomas Frolick
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of Parliament of the Republic of SouthAfrica

Mahmut Celadet Gaydalı
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Turkey

Hajia Alijata sulemana Gbentie
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Ghana (2013-2016)

Najeeb Ghanem
Member of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Yemen

Hawa Abdulrahman Ghasia
Member of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania (2005-2020)

Preet Kaur Gill MP
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; Shadow Secretary of State forInternational Development

Patrick Grady MP
Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom

Dr Lahcen Haddad
Member of the Parliament of Morocco; Minister of Tourism, Government of Morocco(2012-2016); Vice President of the SID International Governing Council

Laura Angélica Rojas Hernández
Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico

Anthony Kimani Ichung'Wah
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya

Eunice Kabiru
Member of Parliament of Estonia

Rebecca Yei Kamara
Member of Parliament, Parliament of Sierra Leone

Abdul Kargbo
Member of Parliament, Parliament of Sierra Leone

Gideon Keter
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya

Volkmar Klein
Member of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany

John Muiruri Makuno
Director, Action for Children in Conflict UK

Doruntinë E. Maloku
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo; Chair of the Committee onEconomic Development

Teodomiro Nzé Mangué
Senator, Senate of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Janet Zebedayo Mbene
Member of Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania

Betty McCollum
Congresswoman, United States House of Representatives

Hayat Meziani
Member of Parliament of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (2012-2017)

Dr Ammar Moussi
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Algeria

Ruzanna Muradyan
Founder, Education Without Boundaries

Irene Wairimu Mwangi
Public Policy Specialist, Kenya

Cornelius Mweetwa
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Zambia

Adamou Namata
Member of the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Bekono Ebah epse Ndoumou
Member of Parliament of the Republic of Cameroon

Professor George Bureng V. Nyombe
Chairperson of the TNLA, Republic of South Sudan

Olayiwola Jamiu Ojodu MP
Member, Ogun State House of Assembly of the Republic of Ghana

Hassan Omar Mohamed
Member of Parliament, National Assembly of the Republic of Djibouti; Presidentof the Parliamentary Group of Population and Development

Margaret Mary Quirk MLA
Member of the Parliament of Western Australia

Niki Rattle
Speaker of Parliament of the Cook Islands

Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia
Senator, Senate of Canada

Dharma Raj Regmi
Parliamentarian, Federal Parliament of Nepal

Dr Azmi Shuaibi
Anti-Corruption Advisor, TI Palestine, Transparency International

Amanda Simard MPP
Member of the Provincial Parliament, Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Andres Sutt
Member of Parliament of Estonia; Deputy Governor and Member of the ExecutiveBoard, Bank of Estonia (2001-2009)

Catherine Zainab Tarawally
Member of Parliament, Parliament of Sierra Leone; Deputy Whip, All People'sCongress Party

Dr Olanrewaju Adeyemi Tejuoso
Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2015-2019)

Umayya Toukan
Senator, Parliament of Jordan

Nguyen Tuong Van
Secretary General of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly


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