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欧洲数字货币onecoin(美国2015年版1美分硬币US 2015 1 Cent Coin)

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美元,是美国的法定货币;1美元等于100美分;美分是美元最小的使用单位。在二战以后,欧洲大陆国家与美国达成协议同意使用美元进行国际支付,此后美元作为储备货币最终成为国际货币;1971年出现的"美元危机",美元在全世界的泛滥成灾,最终导致美国黄金储备面临枯竭的危机,美元失去了其等同黄金的特殊地位---美元不再有法定含金量。一直以来,美国以自己的利益为中心,动辄挥舞制裁大棒咄咄逼人,使得许多国家不满,推高了国际社会对"去美元化"的呼声,绕开美元而使用其他货币结算,已经成了很多国家的共识。此1美分硬币,含铜2.5%,其余全是金属锌。正面主图为美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕—林肯侧面头像、IN GOD WE TRUST(信仰上帝)、LIBERTY(自由)、铸造年份2015和代表铸造厂的字母。背面图案为联盟盾牌(由13条条纹组成,分别代表美国最早独立的13个州)、题铭E PLURIBUS UNUM(合众为一)、ONE CENT(一美分)、上面是国名United States of America(美利坚合众国)。The full name of the United States is "United States of America"; "Uncle Sam" is the symbol of his country. A federal republic constitutional state composed of many overseas territories such as Washington, D.C., 50 states and Guam. The total area is 9.933 million square kilometers. The national population is 330 million (January 2019); Washington, the capital city; President Donald Trump.

The United States was originally native Indians settlement. In 1607, Britain established the first permanent colony in North America-Jamestown. In the middle of the 18th century, 13 British colonies were gradually formed. They had their own governments and parliaments under Britain's supreme sovereignty. The Boston Tea Party in 1773 ignited the war in Lexington, Massachusetts, and the War of Independence broke out in North America. The United States of America was formally established in July 1776. In 1787, a federal state was established and Washington was elected chairman. From 1812 to 1815, Britain invaded the newly established United States again, which was called the Second War of Independence. After the war of independence, it has been troubled by the two systems of Federation and Confederacy. Although the Misibi Compromise has maintained peace for nearly 30 years, with Lincoln's administration, the southern states declared independence from the United States of America and formed another group of United States states on the grounds that the northern states ignored their statehood. In 1863, Lincoln promulgated the Declaration on the Liberation of Black Slaves and the Homestead Act, which reversed the unfavorable situation in the North. On April 9, 1865, the southern government ended in failure. This victory not only restored the unity of the United States, but also abolished slavery throughout the country. On April 15, President Lincoln was assassinated in Ford Theater. Since the early 19th century, the westward movement of the United States, also known as the road of blood and tears, expelled and wiped out native Indians. The Hawaiian Islands were annexed in 1898. In 1932, franklin roosevelt was elected President and fully implemented the "Roosevelt New Deal" with government intervention in the market as the main means. After World War II, with the defeat of the Axis powers and the decline of Anglo-French power, the United States and the Soviet Union became superpowers. The world is divided into two camps, east and west. In order to contain the Soviet Union, the United States, Canada and 10 Western European countries jointly established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO for short, to unite their allies against any military invasion into North America and Europe. Later, 14 European countries successively joined the common defense alliance, including Turkey, some former Warsaw Pact members and some Soviet Union member states. On December 16, 1978, China and the United States issued the Joint Communique of the People's Republic of China and the United States of America on Establishing Diplomatic Relations. On January 1, 1979, the two countries formally established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, the United States became a superpower. On April 6, 2018, the U.S. government announced a new round of sanctions against Russia, including 24 individuals and 14 entities. On May 8, 2018, U.S. President Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement and resume sanctions on the Iranian nuclear field. On June 22, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to extend the "state of emergency involving North Korea (threat)" that has continued since 2008 for one year and maintain economic sanctions against North Korea.

The United States is a highly developed capitalist country, leading the world in economy, culture, industry and other fields. Coal reserves rank first in the world. Copper reserves rank second in the world. Lead ore reserves rank first in the world. Crude oil reserves rank 12th in the world. Natural gas reserves rank 7th in the world. Forest land area is second only to Canada and Brazil, ranking third in the world. In 2013, U.S. GDP ranked first among countries and regions in the world. Per capita GDP ranks 10th among countries and regions in the world. Citigroup is the world's largest financial services company. The United States is the world's largest importer and third largest exporter, China's largest export market and sixth largest source of imports. The United States is also the only developed country whose garbage production capacity exceeds its recycling capacity. After investigating and evaluating the waste generation and recycling in 194 countries, the UK Risk Assessment Company found that the US population accounts for 4% of the world's total population and the waste generated accounts for 12% of the total. It can be called "the world's number one waste producer".

According to the statistics of the "alcohol, tobacco and firearms administration" under the U.S. treasury department in 1998, there are about 250 million firearms scattered among the public. The highest incarceration rate and the largest number of prisoners in the world; In 2006, the detention rate in the United States was the highest in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. At the beginning of 2008, more than 2.3 million people were in prison, with almost one person in custody for every 100 adults. The incarceration rate of African American men is six times that of white men and three times that of Latino men.

U.S. dollar is the legal currency of the United States; 1 U.S. dollar equals 100 cents; cents is the smallest unit of use of the U.S. dollar. After World War II, European countries and the United States reached an agreement to use the United States dollar for international payments, and then the United States dollar as a reserve currency eventually became an international currency. The "dollar crisis" in 1971, the United States dollar in the world's rampant, eventually led to the United States gold reserves facing the crisis of exhaustion, the United States dollar lost its special status of gold equivalent - the United States dollar no longer has legal status Gold content. For a long time, the United States, with its own interests as the center, has always been aggressive in wielding sanctions, making many countries dissatisfied, pushing up the international community's call for "de dollarization", bypassing the dollar and using other currencies for settlement, which has become the consensus of many countries. This one cent coin contains 2.5% copper and the rest is all zinc. The front main picture shows the side portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, in God we trust, liberty, casting year 2015, and the letters representing the foundry. On the back is the union shield (composed of 13 stripes, representing the 13 earliest independent states of the United States), the inscription e pluribus unum (United States of America), one cent, and the national name United States of America (United States of America)

美国2015年版1美分硬币U.S. 2015 1 Cent Coin

美国2015年版1美分硬币U.S. 2015 1 Cent Coin

美国2015年版1美分硬币U.S. 2015 1 Cent Coin

美国2015年版1美分硬币U.S. 2015 1 Cent Coin


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